A Levels: Things to keep in mind when drawing graphs
A. Choose a sensible scale on both axes. Do not choose an odd scale that results in a number such as 0.333 units per division, or 1 unit per 3 divisions, etc B. It is important that your plotted data point occupy more than 50% of the space provided on the graph. So, choose the axes scales accordingly. C. Label the axes with appropriate quantities and their units using the format ‘measured quantity/unit’. For instance, if you are plotting time period (\(T\)) in seconds on the y-axis and length of the pendulum in centimeters on the x-axis, then the \(y\)-axis should be labelled as ‘\(T\) / s’ and \(x\)-axis as ‘\(l\) / cm’. D. Plot all the points you have recorded in your observation table and plot them points as accurately as possible. E. Indicate points on your graph using a cross (‘✕’) instead of just a dot – because dots are hard for the reader or examiner to spot. Size of a ‘✕’ should be about the size of a small square box on the g...